Compete and Win

In Crowded Markets

we build Professional sales teams that win.

If your team isn’t winning clients, then they’re losing clients.

At Red Flag, we believe your sales team’s collective ability to motivate prospective clients to take action is your firm’s most important discipline. Every sales team has hidden revenue and profits and the trick is knowing where to look.



“Every sales organization tracks their wins. I have yet to meet an organization that had even the slightest indication of how many deals on an annual basis are being lost to things like client procrastination. This is analogous to the same organization focused solely on revenue activities and completely ignoring issues that impact profit.”

– Founder, Chuck Hollander Jr.

Image of equations on a chalkboard.
An image of a blank chalkboard.
We Cracked the Code Slide
We cracked the code
your team will win clients faster, more frequently, & with less effort.
Second Slide
The Solution:
A shared sales philosophy & single framework.
A common lexicon around a unified playbook.
Standardized messaging & sales process.
Master three vital sales process.
Shorten sales cycles & motivate clients to take action.
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“We believe there’s one thing that successful sales professionals do better than their competition-

They win profitable clients more frequently and they do it with less effort. If you do that, nothing else matters.”

– Founder, Chuck Hollander Jr.

How Our Clients Benefit

We deliver fast, predictable, and enduring results!

gain competitive advantage
An accelerated path to transforming an organization’s sales culture and activities into a competitive advantage that is virtually impossible to imitate.
Develop Future Leaders
Improve an organization’s ability to identify and develop future sales leaders within their team.
Client acquisition
Apply standards to protect the consistency of your most vital business function –sales and client acquisition.
Improve team performance
Reduce the dependency on the skill sets of a select few, key individuals while improving the collective performance of the team.
Repeatable Playbook for your sales team to acquire and secure profitable, long-term relationships.
Overcome crowded markets
Overcome crowded markets with effective differentiation and revenue-driving, client conversations.

Meet Chuck now

Get advice from the guy who successfully challenged how the game of sales has been played for over 100 years. Listen to Chuck introduce The Red Flag Compass, the tool that helps you overcome stalled deals!